Thursday, January 28, 2016

Celebrate National Have Fun At Work Day (for not a lot of $$)

Today is National Have Fun at Work Day!  I know...most of the time work feels  But since you're spending nearly 1/3 of your life at the workplace, surrounded by second family (also known as co-workers), you may as well make the most of it, right?  So in honor of National Have Fun at Work are five fast and easy ideas to make the workday go by a little faster and a little funner.

Yes.  Funner.

Number 5 - Make a Date With Play-Doh

Here's where you get to find out how creative your co-workers really are.  Stop by Target on your way in and pick up the party pack of Play Doh (find the link HERE), distribute and watch the creative juices flow.

You can even host a contest where everyone votes for the best sculpture!  Winner gets a gift card from the local coffee shop...or an unused roll of TP from the women's restroom.  Whatever works.

Number 4 - Fun With Food

Food is always a winner at work.  But instead of the same old doughnuts or breakfast muffins, spice it up a bit...literally!  Host a build-your-own-nachos bar with group participation!  Just start a sign-up sheet with all of the nacho basics for everyone to choose from (chips, cheese, salsa, guac., etc), clear a space in the break room, and then just set up the spread.

*One little hint - if you're using a slow cooker to melt the cheese, start it first thing in the morning on low and check on it periodically.  Trying to speed melt cheese in the company microwave at the last minute is a pain.  Trust me.

Number 3 - Start Up A Mid-day Walking Group

After all of those nachos, you're probably going to feel like slipping into a food coma.  Don't do it!  Combat the coma!  Grab a few co-workers and go for a walk around the building.  The average person can burn about 100 calories for each mile walked - and you'll probably walk at least one mile in about 30 minutes.  Every little bit counts!

Plus...not only is it your chance to get a little sun and exercise, but you can also squeeze in some quality gossip time away from prying eyes and ears!

Number 2 - Bubble Therapy

No...not THOSE bubbles (at least, not until later).  The non-alcoholic kind!  Make a quick run into your local Party City and pick up a couple of mini-bubble packs (find the link HERE).  Then hand them out at work, look up, and smile.

It's almost like you're in the Willy Wonka Fizzy Lifting Drink room....almost.

Number 1 - A Kazoo Koncert

Yes...Kazoos.  For a couple of reasons.  First - how many people remember how to play the kazoo...or were ever able to in the first place.

It's kinda like the mystery of the hula hoop.  How in the world were we ever able to do that?
And secondly...did I mention that it's not only National Have Fun at Work Day, but also National Kazoo Day?  Double celebration!!  And since you're not getting reimbursed for any of this, you may as well squeeze in all of the celebrating into one day that you can, right?

Oh...sorry, boss...didn't see you reading there.  Hey..whadda ya's a spreadsheet that needs updating.  Back to work!

 **I'm very excited to announce that this is my very first blog posted outside my website.   You can find it on The Berry.