Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A Trip to the San Diego Zoo (or...it's a jungle out there!)

It's been a while since Nick and I took a road trip - so last weekend we decided to hit the road and make our way to San Diego. It seemed like a good day to visit the San Diego Zoo....

Since we wanted to make the most out of our day, we needed to get up early.  However, that was easier said than done...

Once we finally got moving, we hit the road.  The sun was shining and the traffic was fabulous.  Traveling with Nick is always a breeze...I always feel like I'm just along for the ride!

It's probably been about 10 years since I'd been to the zoo - I nearly forgot how absolutely awesome it is!!  Of course, being San Diego, it was another beautiful day!  And apparently we weren't the only one thinking it was a great day for a visit because we had to share the pathways with a lot of other visitors....

So much to see and so much to do!  We saw all sorts of animals.  Some seemed VERY interested in us....

Others were a little more hesitant....

I think the zoo got bigger since my last visit - I forgot how much there is to see and do.  We hopped around a lot from place to place to place:

After a while, we had to stop for a bite to eat...

All in all we had lots of fun:

And when we finally got home, we just crashed out....

It was, after all, a very busy day.