Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Time Has Come to Step Up My Workout

If you've read this blog for a little while, you know that I'm always on the look out for new challenges and adventures.  However, since quite a few of my outings include some type of food, I need to make sure I stay healthy enough to remain adventurous (otherwise, how else could I learn how to pole dance).  So when I realized that my daily cardio routine was starting to get a little stale and unproductive, it occurred to me that this was a great opportunity to find a new workout AND try something different.  Surely there was some type of exercise that I hadn't tried that would prove to be challenging and fun and hold my interest with more intensity than a piece of cake.  So  I decided to give three different workout options a try to see which one was the best fit.

I Start By Finding My Inner Yoga Berra :

I can't say that yoga has ever held a real strong interest for me.  No offense meant, but it's always been just a little for my taste.  But when the opportunity came up to try out my warrior pose in a completely different atmosphere, how could I not give it a try?

It's yoga at a baseball stadium!!!

As a novice, I wasn't quite sure if I would be able to keep up.  But as I observed my fellow yoga-goers, I realized that there were a wide variety of levels of expertise on the field - so that helped put me more at ease.  Meanwhile, the instructor was easy to follow and she made sure the practice was challenging but not impossible.  The best part was just laying on the field of a major ball field, soaking in the sun and watching the clouds roll by.

By the end of the practice, I felt very limber and rejuvenated - but I didn't really feel like I had "worked out" in the traditional sense.  Good for the occasional visit, yes.  Everyday workout....not really.


Trading in Rocky Road for Rocky Walls:

I'm not going to lie, I have just the tiniest fear of heights.  And falling.  And broken bones.  But for some irrational reason, indoor rock climbing just looked like something I had to try.  Needless to say, I started questioning my decision to give this a try when I walked in and realized that the rock walls went all...the...way...up....there.  But it's a sport that has its own shoes....

so how bad can it be?

In addition to the whole fear of heights/falling thing, I was a bit worried at first that I didn't have the upper body strength needed for rock climbing.  But it turns out that rock climbing is not just about arm strength; it also requires leg strength to help balance and push you upwards as well as brain power to help you figure out your next move on the fly.

Indoor rock climbing definitely challenged my muscles more than yoga, but it still felt a bit slow for me.  However, I did get a seriously cool feeling of accomplishment once I made it to the top...

Getting down, however....

Finally, I Try Booty Kicking Camp, (er...Boot Camp):

My last stop was an attempt at a fitness boot camp.  I've never really done "boot camp" before because the ones I've seen have been in the morning before the sun is up and outdoors in patchy grass parks surrounded by dirt and bugs and...nature things.  But this boot camp was held in a traditional gym at much more reasonable hours of the day and in a setting with creature air conditioning and indoor plumbing.

The workouts are a variety of cardio and weightlifting - circuit training style:

The cool thing about boot camp was the wide variety of training levels.  There were newbies (like myself), and then there were the more hard-core regulars who were training for a variety of races or events. long until I'm able to do THAT???

So indoor boot camp wins.  The faster pace, weights, cardio and more regimented routines seemed to offer the challenge and discipline that someone like me needs. This is great!  I'm motivated, I'm ready!  I just know I'm going to burn off all those cookies, cupcakes and all that other crap in my system in no time.  I'm going to feel fit and fabulous!

Boot Camp Selfie

...just as soon as I can peel myself up off the floor.

Medic?  Anyone?  Help?

Big thanks to Seane Corne for the awesome yoga practice; Phillip, Lisa, Nate, Junior and all the awesome people at  No Limits Sports and Fitness Academy for getting my butt in gear and to Nick at Hangar 18 Long Beach for making sure said butt didn't fall and go splat on the ground!!