Sunday, October 18, 2015

National Chocolate Cupcake Day (or...A Sweet Way to Spend a Sunday!)

Coming off the recent adventure of cake decorating, one might think that I would choose to celebrate a different day today. 

HAHAHAHA!!!!  Have you met me?

There's cake in the title of this day.  Of course I'm going to celebrate!

(well...that and the only other celebration today is National No Beard Day...can't really say that one's going to do anything for me....)


When it first came time to plan out the day, I learned that there is such a thing as a Cupcake Tour in Los Angeles.  Apparently it's about a 2 hour walking tour that takes you to some of the better known cupcakeries in the area.  I've done food tours before, and they're quite a bit of fun...but there was a part of me that thought maybe I could create my own cupcake tour - more on my own time, with my own itinerary and perhaps with a slight bit less walking.  So with the help of my online friends Google and Yelp! and my actual friends Nick and Ericia, here is the What The &%^$! Did I Do's Cupcake Tour and how we celebrate National Chocolate Cake Day. 

First stop:  a traditional cupcake bakery - Georgetown Cupcake

I figured for the first stop of the tour, we should start at a cupcake bakery in the traditional sense.  However, don't be fooled.  The awesomeness of these cupcakes are anything but ordinary.  We walked in the door and were overcome by the fantastic smell of sugar, happiness and unicorn dust and plates of cupcake goodness in oh-so-many cake flavor and frosting combinations. 

Doesn't that just look like happiness on platters?

And here's a nifty little secret for you...follow Georgetown Cupcakes on Twitter and they offer up a free cupcake of the day...all you have to do is walk in and order it by name.  FREE CUPCAKES!!!!  Thank goodness they aren't located anywhere near me or the day would come where I couldn't walk out the door!

So how do they taste?  Amazing! Perfectly fluffy, light and tasty - the perfect balance of frosting to cake.    Unfortunately, Georgetown Cupcakes are only on the eastern side of the country (with the one location in LA)...but they do ship nationwide.  They even offer holiday cupcakes (and for upcoming Halloween, these are ALL treats; no tricks in sight).

Mmmmm.  The start of a perfect day.

Second stop:  The Cupcake ATM machine, courtesy of Sprinkles Cupcakes

And when I say cupcake ATM machine, it's exactly like you would imagine.  You walk up and place your order on the touch screen.

Within seconds, the magic door opens and Poof!  Cupcake!

This particular cupcake is their chocolate marshmallow

I'm a big fan of Sprinkles Red Velvet's usually my first choice.  But this was still extremely tasty.  It was quite rich; chocolaty cake covered in a ganache frosting with a marshmallow filling.  The only thing missing was a tall cold glass of milk.

You would think that after two stops and two fabulously rich chocolate cupcakes that we would need a break.  HA!  Nope!  We proceed onward to our next unique destination....

Stop three:  Johnny Cupcakes

No sugar...?  No carbs?  No fat?  Is this cupcake nirvana?  How is this it too good to be true?

So we stroll in and start to look around...

 HA!!!  Surprise!  Johnny Cupcake is actually a clothing store  They have elaborately designed their store to look just like a bakery complete with a bakery case, oven and "refrigerated" displays; but not a baked delicacy in sight (much to the annoyance of my cupcake tour companions).  So even though there were no tasty cupcakes to eat...we still had a great time checking out all the intricacies of the store, the really awesome attention to detail, and even getting in a touch of shopping. 

Stop four:  Cupcake Food Truck!

Now at this point in the day, we attempted to chase down a cupcake food truck.  However, the cupcake truck wasn't where I expected it to sadly, no chocolate food-truck cupcakes to be had.  However, we found ourselves at the Beverly Hills artShow, so we still had a great time looking at local art vendors and walking off the day's calories.

Final stop on our tour...Ice Cream Cupcakes!

Now I've had cupcake-infused ice cream before at Casey's Cupcakes in Newport Beach (which by the way was INCREDIBLY AWESOME!!!!!)...but I had never heard of ice cream cupcakes.  So what exactly does an ice cream cupcake look like?  Well...pretty much what you'd expect...

Quite cream inside a cupcake.  How does this magic occur?  Not a clue - but the ice cream was cold, the cake was soft and chocolaty, and the frosting melted all over my fingers.  And as a bonus, Frosted also happened to carry a little something for everyone in the family!

(minus the chocolate of course)

So there's the tour.  Five stops, three actual cupcakes, equal parts driving and walking, and a whole lot of fun.  At the end of the day, the inside of my bag was overflowing with sugar.

So there's the customized WTDID Chocolate Cupcake Tour 2015.  Now it's your turn.  Go grab some friends, pull out the map, gas up the car and go get some chocolate cupcake goodness.  Or swing on by and I'll take you on this tour.  Make me eat more cupcakes?  Oh no!!!....anything but more cupcakes!!!! 

Pfffffft!  I'll race you to the car.
